[seminar 33] Job Scheduling Using Neural Network For Rapid Manufacturing


Optimization is the process of adjusting the mathematical process of experimental to find the minimum or maximum result. The neural network is the huge optimization technique, which is used to solve the conceptual ideas of Artificial intelligence. The process can help experts to solve difficult analysis, problem, which were very complex. While considering this paper it deals with the job shop scheduling, whose ultimate aim is to reduce the idle time. The scheduling was usually solved by means of JOHNSON RULE. Finding optimal solutions for job shop scheduling problem requires a high computational effort, especially under consideration of uncertainty and frequent planning. In contrast to computational solutions, domain experts are often able to derive good local dispatching heuristics looking at typical problem instances. Though there are many number of sequential solutions are available for N- JOBS M- MACHINES of nearly (n!)^m, where ‘n’ represents no of jobs and  m represents no of machines , which could not carried out manually . Therefore, we move on to the neural networks to find the optimal solution with in short span of time. 

Artificial intelligence may be generally defined as a processing of an activity without the human intervention in each stage. It is emerges with a name called Artificial network at 1940’s. There came a close relationship between the neural networks with that human brain. Thereafter with the slow research, they are developed by means of 1985’s.
An artificial intelligence is machine that produces through time and enrolling collection of symbol structures. In contrast to the symbolic approach, the neural networks approach adopts the brain metaphor.
The long term – knowledge of neural networks is encoded as a set of weights on connection between the units. For this reason, the neural network architecture has also been dubbed the connectionist.
Optimization is a process of making something better. Optimization consists of trying variations on an initial concept and using the information gained to improve on the idea. Optimization is process of adjusting the inputs or characteristics of a device, mathematical process, or experiment to find the minimum or maximum output. The input consists of parameters; the process or function is known as cost function, adjective function or fitness function; and output is the cost or fitness. If the process is an experiment, then the parameters are physical inputs to the experiment.
Trial and error optimization refers to the process of adjusting parameters that affect the output with put knowing much about the process that produces the output.
When there is only one parameter, the optimization is one-dimensional. The problem having more than one parameter requires multidimensional optimization.
Dynamic optimization means that output is function of time. While static means that, the output is independent of time.
Optimization can also be distinguished by either discrete or continuous parameters. Discrete parameters have only a finite number of possible values, whereas continuous have an infinite number of possible values.
Parameters often have limits or constraints. Constrained optimization incorporates parameters equalities and inequalities into the cost function. Unconstrained optimization allows the parameter to take any value.
There are three types of network model,
1.             Feed forward network,
2.             Back propagation network,
3.             Counter propagation network.
A neural network is represented by a set of nodes & arrows. A node corresponds to a neuron ‘a’, arrow, and ‘x’ an arrow corresponds to a connection along with the direction of signal flow between the neurons.
The intelligence of a neural network emerges from the collective behavior of neurons, each of which performs only very limited operations each individual neurons work slowly.
Construction of a neural network involves
Determination of the network properties such as the network topology, the types of connections, order of connection & weight range.
Determination of the activation range and activation function.
Determination of the system dynamics, the weight initialization scheme, the activation – calculating formula &a learning rule.
Input layer
Hidden layer
Output layer
A connection between the nodes in different layer is called interlayer connection.
A connection between the nodes in same layer is called interlayer connection.
A connection between the nodes in distant layer is called separate connection.
A connection pointing form the itself is called self- connection
A connection that combines from more than one node is often by multiplication is known as higher order connection.
An artificial intelligence system is based on the neural network approach will generally involves the following steps
Selects a suitable neural network model based on the nature of the problem
Connects a neural network according to the character of the domain
Trains the neural network for making inference or solving the problems
If the conditions are satisfied then move to the next steps.
Here BPN is used to solve the optimization problem. We can obtain a better result by using this network model, but not the best one.
The back propagation neural network is one of the most important historical developments in neurocomputing. A powerful mapping network has been successfully applied to a wide variety of problems ranging from application scoring to image compression.
The back propagation neural network architecture is a hierarchical design consisting of fully interconnected layers or rows of processing units. The information processing operation that back propagation networks are intended to carry out is the approximation of a bounded mapping or function
f:Rn à Rm, from a compact subset A of n- dimensional Euclidean space to a bounded subset f[A] of M-dimensional Euclidean space, by means of training on examples (x1,y1),(x2,y2),,,,,, of the mapping, where yk = f(xk). As always, it will be assumed that such examples of a mapping f are generated by selecting xk vectors randomly from A in accordance with a fixed probability density function. The operational use to which the network is to be put after training is also assumed to involve random selections of input vectors X in accordance with. The basic single node BPN is shown below

In general, the architecture consists of K rows of processing units, numbered from the bottom up beginning with 1. For simplicity, the row and layer will be used interchangeably, even though each row will actually turn out to consist of two heterogeneous layers or slabs. The first layer consist of n fan-out processing elements that simply accept the individual components xi of the input vector X and distribute them, without modification, to all of the units of the second row. Each unit on each row receives the output signal of each of the units of the row below. This continues through all of the rows of the network until the final row. The final (Kth) row of the network consist of m- units and produces the network’s estimate yt of the correct output vector y. for the purpose of this section it always be assumed that K>=3. Rows 2 through K-1 are called hidden rows.
Besides the feed forward connections mentioned above, each unit of each hidden row receives an “error feedback” connection from each of the units above it. However, as will be seen below, these are not merely fanned out copies of a broadcast output, but are each separate connection, each carrying a different signal. Note that each unit is composed of a single sun-processing element and several planet-processing elements. Each planet produces an output signal that is distributed to both its sun and to the sun of the previous layer that supplied input to it. Each planet receives input from one of the suns receives input from one of the planets of each of the suns on the next higher row.

A single layer network of logic having ‘R’ inputs is described here. They have one or more hidden layers of sigmoid neurons followed by output layer of linear neurons. The linear output layer lets the network to produce the values out side the range of -1 to +1 on the other hand if the output is between 0 and 1 then use a sigmoid function. The function simuff takes the network input P and the weights W and bias b, up to three layers.
The source code is written in C++ language. This can be done by any of the high-end languages, but C is a language that provides us with a better result than any other. Here BPN architecture is a standard one and the rest of the program deals with the application part. Here w, hw, out, rnd, alpha is the variables used to execute the problem well. Array is created in order to obtain the values and to evaluate. The foremost purpose of this structure is to initialize values. Weights are initialized using the get time function. Here the priority is important and it acts according to it. The error reduction value is set in the program itself and the iteration depends over it.

The above given chart is an industrial data. It indicates a data of five machines for seven days. The idle time for every machine varies and we can find the idle time is higher which is not worth. Therefore, it indicates the improper scheduling of machines. It is scheduled here by using neural network. A sample data of error reduction is shown here.
0.000018 0.000007 0.000004 0.008282 0.009324 0.000003 0.000002 0.000008
0.000018 0.000007 0.000004 0.008281 0.009324 0.000003 0.000002 0.000008
A --> D --> E --> B --> C -->
In this paper, we made an attempt on neural network that shows promising results for solving the general job-scheduling problem. Depending on the nature of the application and the strength of the internal data patterns, you can generally expect a network to train quite well. This applies to problems where the relationships may be quite dynamic or non-linear. Ann’s provide an analytical alternative to conventional techniques, which are often limited by strict assumptions of normality, linearity, variable independence etc. Because an ANN can capture many kinds of relationships it allows the user to quickly and relatively easily model phenomena which otherwise may have been very difficult or impossible to explain otherwise.
1.     Introduction to artificial neural system by Jacek M.Zurada
2.     Back propagation algorithm by Washer Man.
3.     Let us c++ by Yashavant Kanitkar.
4.     Neuro computing by Robert Hecht- Nielsen.
5.     C++ Neural networks & Fuzzy logic by Dr.Valluru B. Rao, Hayagriva V. Rao.
6.     Elements of production planning and control by Samuel Eilon.
7.   Time Optimization Using Neural Network, B.E. Project externally guided by Mr. Selladurai PhD, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
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