Thermoacoustic refrigerator deals with producing desired refrigeration effect by acoustics/sound waves. Sound waves generated by ordinary loudspeaker travel through a sealed tube (resonator) and pass over stack material. Here, gas molecules undergo compression and rare fraction, thus giving heating and cooling effect respectively, forming the basis of refrigeration unit.

With the growing bans on chloro-fluorocarbon (CFC) used in refrigeration technology, it is of increasing importance to find a suitable alternative for the industry. Thermo acoustics offers an excellent technique of refrigeration with the help of sound waves.
Thermo acoustic is the study of sound & heat. Using sound waves to cool was theory originally developed in the 1960s. Ford motor company is the only industrial laboratory, which has published their research in the area. Japan, America, Australia are also doing research in this area.

Conventional refrigerator - our kitchen fridge works by compressing a gas by compressor. The gas used is Freon, one of the CFCs. Unfortunately, CFCs leak from cooling system, destroying the atmospheric ozone that protects the earth's surface ultraviolet radiation.
Thermoacoustic refrigerators utilize no environmentally hazardous gases. They use inert gases which are both readily available, inexhaustible & completely environmentally friendly. So, it is need of hour.



The main components of this refrigerator are -
1.                 Acoustic Driver:
Acoustic driver is used to generate sound waves of particular amplitude & wavelength.
2.       Cold & Hot heat exchangers
3.       Resonator tube:
In this tube the inert gasses will be filled & heat transfer amongst the stack plates will take place inside this tube with the aid of vibrating gas molecules.
4.        Stack:
These are nothing but plates of specific material having good thermal conductivity. These plates are fixed inside the resonator tube one over other in such a fashion so as to achieve maximum heat transfer rate.


Following is the figure showing main components.
“When you compress a gas, it gets warmer; expand a gas and it cools.  A sound wave is really nothing more than a periodic compression and expansion of a gas." So a sound wave heats and cools small parcels of gas along the length of its propagation.

When a sound wave is sent in the tube with a acoustic driver or a loudspeaker, the pressure pulsations make the gas inside travel back and forth. This forms regions where compression and heating take place, plus other areas characterized by gas expansion and cooling.
A thermoacoustic refrigerator is a resonator cavity that contains a stack of thermal storage elements (connected to hot and cold heat exchangers) positioned so that the back-and-forth gas motion occurs within the stack. When loudspeaker blasts sound at certain frequency, acoustic wave resonates in the tube & back-and-forth motion is achieved. The oscillating gas parcels pick up heat from the stack near the cold heat exchanger and deposit it to the stack near the hot heat exchanger, forming the basis of refrigeration unit.


Stack consists of many plates to increase the heat transfer area. Recent computational & experimental evidences indicate that the flow field in the stack is dominated by concentrated eddies, whose complex motion significantly affects the performance of the device. Material of the stack can be metals, ceramic or plastics etc.


It can be made of glass, acrylic, plexi-glass, metals etc. It should be designed so as to sustain the pressure & temperature of the gas medium.


System requires gas medium with higher thermal conductivity for good heat transfer. Air is easily available but has only one sixth the thermal conductivity of Hydrogen. Being the lightest & cheap, Hydrogen is another option but its inflammability makes it unsuitable for use. The next best gas is Helium, which is non-inflammable with high thermal conductivity. Safety factor compensates it's high cost.


Loudspeakers are available in the market with different wattages. They should be selected according to the frequency of the sound waves. Higher frequency waves require rapid heat transfer, increasing the complexity & cost of heat exchangers. Reducing the frequency involves the enlargement of the tube, increasing gas cost. So, a balance is required while selecting the frequency.
The pressure amplitudes within the thermoacoustic resonator are only a small fraction (5%) of the static internal pressures, which are approximately 20 atmospheres. Given the relatively small acoustic pressure amplitudes, a pressure vessel which is strong enough to safely contain the static pressure cannot yield enough under the acoustic pressure variations to radiate much sound to the environment. If there is any perceptible acoustic radiation at all, it is usually due to some imbalance in the electroacoustic driver.
Heat exchangers can be of copper or aluminum tubing. Fins can be added o increase the contact area with the gas and stack, reducing thermal resistance which in turns improves heat transfer.


For the small power devices built thus far (less than 1,400 Btu/hr = 400 W thermal) and the larger devices currently under construction (36,000 Btu/hr = 10 kW thermal), the size and weight are similar to their vapor compression equivalents.  The cooling capacity of vapor compression units depends upon operating pressure and the amount of phase-change fluid.  The size of a thermoacoustic device is determined (roughly) by its operating frequency.  If small size is important, higher frequency operation may be required the thermoacoustic device increases in efficiency, but the vapor compression fridge does not. There are other advantages to proportional control. You can imagine that it would be nicer if your home air conditioner would keep the house at a constant cool temperature rather than cycling between somewhat too hot and somewhat too cold. Similarly, the performance and lifetime of some types of electronics could be increase by the steadier temperatures available through proportional control. Proportional control also eliminates the electronics-damaging "power surges" that occur throughout the electrical system when the compressor in a conventional chiller turns on or off.
There are no intrinsically expensive components in thermoacoustic refrigerators. They operate at pressures which are similar to vapor compression refrigerators.  Thermoacoustic refrigerators do not require any exotic materials and do not depend upon close tolerances nor do they require lubrication, since they have no sliding seals


Thermoacoustic refrigerators will be at least as trouble-free as current home refrigerators. Thermoacoustic refrigerators and air conditioners use inert gases which will never be controlled substances and will always be readily available since they have no sliding seals, they do not require lubrication It appears that proper design of these can lead to "infinite" lifetimes.


Like a conventional refrigeration system, the thermoacoustic system would require coolants to circulate through pipes. One coolant loop would remove heat from the cooled space and bring it to the cooled side of the stack while another would remove heat from the hot side and discard it into the surroundings. The coolants required would include water & glycol mixtures.


1.       Simple, reliable, low cost, eco-friendly.
2.       No mechanical moving parts.
3.       Avoids use of compressor, lubricants, eliminating noise.
4.       No maintenance

The only lacuna of the system is that the efficiency is 20-30% lower than the vapor compression system but it will increase with the advancing research of such a newly born technique.

1.       Household refrigerators
2.       Space shuttle cooling
3.       Cooling of computers & electronic instruments.
4.       Natural gas liquifier
5.       For fishing boats and marine vessels.
At the present time, the efficiency of thermoacoustic refrigerators is 20-30% lower than their vapor compression counterparts. Part of that lower efficiency is due to the intrinsic irreversibility of the thermoacoustic heat transport process. This intrinsic irreversibility are also the favorable aspects of the cycle, since they make for mechanical simplicity, with few or no moving parts. A greater part of the inefficiency of current thermoacoustic refrigerators is simply due to technical immaturity. With time, improvements in heat exchangers and other sub-systems should narrow the gap.
It is also likely that the efficiency in many applications will improve due only to the fact that thermoacoustic refrigerators are well suited to proportional control. One can easily and continuously control the cooling capacity of a thermoacoustic refrigerator so that its output can be adjusted accurately for varying load conditions. This could lead to higher efficiencies than conventional vapor compression chillers which have constant displacement compressors and are therefore only capable of binary (on/off) control. Proportional control avoids losses due to start-up surges in conventional compressors and reduces the inefficiencies in the heat exchangers, since the proportional systems can operate over smaller temperature gaps between the coolant fluid and the heat toad.
Researchers are trying for methodology which uses computer modeling and optimization to predict the performance of technology for specific application and aid in the development of prototype designs.
There is a need for development in loudspeakers for high power, high efficiency and in the heat exchangers optimized for high frequency oscillatory flow of compressed gases.
At the present time, there are no models for the stack/heat exchanger interface. There are no models for heat transport between the thermo acoustically oscillating gas and the heat exchanger surfaces which could be used to suggest what geometries would optimize the useful transfer of heat on and off of the stack. A stack with a heat exchanger built into it can be a solution to the problem.
Still, thermoacoustic refrigerator have real world application due to their low maintenance and lack of environmentally gases.
Thermoacoustic refrigeration has spurred progress and has undergone a significant evolutionary period during the past few decades. Further progress in the practical commercial application of this technology is expected to continue.
In addition, much is going on to improve the performance of the system at various levels in most of the developed countries. All of this could lead to more efficient system replacing our conventional fridge soon. 
Ø     www.theroacs.com
Ø     www.memagazine.org
Ø     www.psu.edu
www. thinkeycle.com
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