[SEMINAR 20] Cryogenic Processing of Wear Control

Cryogenic Processing of Wear Control

In today’s world of rapid advancement in technological process and flexible change in materialistic science. It is difficult for one to keep in pace with ever changing need of new industrial application. There is no profound mean to exclaim a process to be fully advanced and is at it’s felt of it’s advancement in term of technology. Similar is the case of “cryogenics processing for wear control”.
The quality of most metal products depends on the condition of their surface and on the surface deterioration due to use. Surface deterioration is also important in engineering practice .It is often major factor limiting life and performance of machine components.
The cryogenic processing has great potential to solve many of the problems faced an industry due to wear and other detrimental process. Added to it the fact that it is environmentally very sound makes it the most promising one.
As we have seen the heat treatment process as mentioned are only for the surface. But due to the advancement in science and technology newer and better process have been developed which give better results.” Cryogenics" is the science that studies phenomenon at very low temperature. Deep cryogenics is the ultra low temperature processing of materials to enhance their desired metallurgical and structural properties. This special process is not a surface treatment; it effects the entire mass of the tool or component being treated, making it stronger through out. The hardness of the material is unaffected, while its strength is increased.
Steel tooling and wear parts, which must exhibit properties as strength, hardness and wear resistance, are traditionally heat treated to induce a transformation to tempered martensite. Under carefully controlled laboratory condition, nearly complete transformation can be attained. However under the conditions of production heat treating, complete transformation is rarely achieved. With the result that conventionally heat treated components may contain significant amount of retained austenite, could be transformed to martensite by cryogenic cooling. It is only recently however the important time dependent aspects of cryogenic cooling applied to obtain maximum wear resistance have been understood.
Research has demonstrated that a slow, gradual cooling, followed by an extended holding period at ultimate temperature and then a gradual warming results in the maximum increase in the wear resistance of treated components while eliminating thermal shock.
The thermal treatment of metals must certainly be regarded as one of the most important developments of the industrial age. After more than a century, research continues into making metallic components stronger and more wear-resistant. One of the more modern processes being used to treat metals (as well as other materials) is cryogenic tempering. While the science of heat treatment is well known and widely understood, the principles of cryogenic tempering remain a mystery to most people in industry. Information regarding this process is full of contradictions and unanswered questions. Until recently, cryogenic tempering was viewed as having little value, due to the often-brittle nature of the finished product. It is only since the development of computer modeled cooling and reheats curves that the true benefits of cryogenically treated materials have become available to industry and the general public.
The purpose of this work is not to break new ground in cryogenic science, nor will it answer all of the questions surrounding this process. Rather, this is a condensation of much of the information available concerning the effects cryogenic treatment has on metal structure, as well as an overview of the actual process involved in treating parts.
It occurs when a hard sharp surface slide on a softer surface creating a series if grooves in it. The material in the grooves is displaced in the form of the wear particles.
It occurs when two smooth surface slide over each other and fragment pulled of one surface adhere to the other. These fragments come off the surface and are transmitted to the original surface as loose particle. This occurs because of failure of film failure is caused by high temperature, pressure, sliding velocity. If the loads are light and the natural spontaneous oxidation of metal can keep with up rate if it's removal by wear than the wear rate will be relative low (the oxidation layer acting as a lubricant) it is called Mild wear. If the loads are high and the protective oxide is continually disrupted to alloys intimate the metallic contact and adhesion then wear rate will be high it is called “severe wear”.
Material that has thin, brittle oxides notably stainless steel, aluminum alloys and titanium, the protective oxide  is easily disrupted and the consequent massive adhesion and wear is called " Galling". These usually can be seen in a relation with an non-lubricated sliding.
It occurs when environment or surroundings of a sliding surface interact chemically with it. It forms a film, but the sliding action wears the film away and corrosive attack continues.
Factors affecting wear are as follows
§  Operating condition
§  Material structure and properties
§  Environmental conditions
§  Loading
§  Velocity
§  Fatigue
The purpose of lubrication is to reduce friction and to mitigate their effects. There are five types of lubrication:
Hydrodynamic Lubrication:
In this type moving surfaces are separated by a fluid film resulting from movement of one surface relative to another. Thus adhesion is prevented.
Hydrostatic Lubrication:
In this type lubrication is supplied under pressure and is able to sustain higher load without contact taking place between the surfaces.

Elasto-Hydrodynamic Lubrication:

In this type the pressure between the surfaces are so high, the lubrication film is so thin that elastic deformation of surface is likely to occur and is a feature of this kind of lubrication.
Boundary Lubrication:
In this an oil or grease containing a suitable boundary lubricant separates the surface by what is mean by,” Absorbed Molecular Films". Appreciable contact between asperities and formation of junction may occur.
Solid Lubricant:
This provides a solid, low, shear strength film between surfaces. Lubrication is dictated by circumstances.
Material Structure and Properties:
The wear resistance of any metal depends on its surface condition and also it's properties.
Environmental Conditions:
The wear or deterioration also depends on kind of environment the metal is placed in, like the gases present in surroundings.
Wear Control Techniques:
Wear is impossible to remove but by using certain methods or techniques it can be kept under control i. e. under desirable levels. Many materials & methods are available for protection from wear.
Various techniques for providing surface protection to wear as follows:
1.             Electroplating
2.             Anodizing
3.             Metal spraying
4.             Hard facing
5.             Selective heat treatment
The wear resistance of metal part can be improved by electroplating a harder metal on its surface. The metals often plated on the base metal are chromium, nickel & rhodium.
In anodizing the work is the anode and the oxide layers are built on the base metal. Since the newest oxide layers always forms next to the base metal in order for the process to continue the previously formed oxide layers must be porous enough to allow the oxygen ions to pass through them. Anodizing has greatly extended the use of aluminum and it's alloys.
Metal spraying is usually done by automatically feeding a metal wire at controlled rate of speed through metal zing tool or gun .Air, oxygen and a combustible gas are supplied to the gun by means of hoses and form a high temperature high velocity flame around the wire tip .The wire tip is continuously melted off and liquid metal particles are directed at the work by the high velocity flame when they strike the surface this particles flatten out .At the same time they are forced into surface pores and irregularities to provide some mechanical interlock with previously deposited material. Cooling is very rapid and thin oxide film forms on the exposed surface of the deposited.
The production of hard wear resistant surface layer on metals by welding is known as hard facing. This method is relatively easy to apply requiring only hard facing alloy in the form of welding rods and an oxy-acetylene flame or an electric arc.
The methods used for selective heat treatment are induction hardening and flame hardening.
a) Induction hardening:
The work piece is placed in a rapidly changing magnetic field. The induced current produces the heat. The time of heating decides the depth of hardness by quenching the heated sample hardness is achieved.
b) Flame hardening:
This process does not change the chemical composition but convert the surface into martensite. Normally the samples are heated with the help of oxy-acetylene torch and then water or oil is spread on the surface. Depth of hardness is controlled by flame intensity and heating time.
Wear resistance can be developed by:
§  The surface smoothness to eliminate the projection
§  Preventing metal-to-metal contact.
§  Increasing the hardness to resist initial indentation.
§  Increasing the toughness to resist the tearing.


Cryogenic tempering may be oversimplified into a process of chilling a part down to relatively near absolute zero and maintaining that condition until the material has cold-soaked. The temperature is then allowed to rise until ambient equilibrium is reached. The part may then be subjected to a normal tempering reheat, although this step is not always included in the process. The complexity of the process involves determining and achieving the proper duration for the cooling, soaking, and warming cycles. It is here that developments in computer modeling and controls have placed cryogenic tempering on the cutting edge of metal treatment. Scientists in provinces of the former Soviet Union typically disagree with western methods of cryogenic treatment, as tests there have revolved around unceremoniously dumping parts into a flask of liquid nitrogen, removing them, and allowing the material to cool uncontrolled in ambient air. Predictably, reports of extended tool life have not been as favorable as those achieved using more tightly controlled processes (History).
The specimen placed in a cryogenic cooling chamber. The process takes the specimen from room temperature of -196 C at a very slow rate, then holds the specimen at 196 C for a predetermined amount of time and controls the return to room temperature. During this time the specimen is subjected to light tempering to complete the process. The entire process takes between 36 to 70 hours, depending on the weight and type of the material.
These ultra cold temperatures are achieved using computer controls, a well insulated treatment chamber and liquid nitrogen (LN2). Nitrogen is the gas that constitutes 78.03% of the air we breathe. The liquid formed is the product of air separation, compression and liquification. These deep cryogenic system are completely environmentally friendly an actually help reduce waste.
A wide range of experimental techniques has been applied to investigate the atomic displacement of carbon and micro structural changes in martensite during tempering. Including X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy and diffraction, Mossbaur spectroscopy, atom probe field ion microscopy, electrical resistivity, dilatometric and calorimetric analysis.
According to the present state of knowledge the structural evolution of martensite on tempering can be divided into the following sequence of processes: (a) the 0-th stage, the formation of carbon atom clusters, modulated structures and ordered structures, (b) the first stage, where the martensite decomposes into low carbon martensite containing 0.2 to 0.3 wt% C and transition carbide particle, (c) the second stage, the decomposition of retained austenite into ferrite and cemetite, (d) the third stage, conversion of the transition carbide into cementite and complete loss of the tetragonality of martensite.
Although a lot of words about tempering behavior have been done, a complete and satisfactory understanding of the mechanisms of the structural changes involved has not yet been obtained. The 0-th stage, i.e., prior to carbide precipitation, and the first stage were of interest in the last decades. However, not so much attention has been paid to studying the effects of cryogenic treatment on the carbide precipitation in martensite during tempering.
The aims of the present study, therefore, are to investigate metallurgically the wear resistance and the microstructure of tempered alloy tool steels after quenching, after cold treatment at 223 K and after cryogenic treatment at 93 K.

Mechanism of h-carbide Precipitation:

A model of the bet-orthorhombic system transformation is proposed. It is known that the lattice deformation of martensite results from cryogenic treatment. Figures 9(a) and (b) represent the relationship between (010) h-carbide plane and (110) martensite plane. This existence of the lattice correspondence between two phases implies that (010) h-carbide plane is derived from (110) martensite plane, and [100], [010] and [001] h-carbide directions are
Derived from [110]. [110] And [001] martensite directions respectively. In the h-carbide structure, carbon atoms are in the octahedral interstices and iron or substitutional atoms take a hep arrangement. The distance between neighbor iron atoms or substitutions atoms in h-carbide and martensite is AB (h)>AB (x'), BC (h)<BC (x').
The lattice deformation is supposed to convert the parent bct lattice into an orthorhombic h-carbide lattice through the readjustment of iron or substitutional atoms due to contraction along [110 and [110] martensite direction and expansion along [001] martensite direction. Correspondingly, a slight shift of carbon atoms is required on (110) martensite planes in order to achieve carbon stacking of h-carbide. This can be present as follows in bct lattice, carbon atoms at (1/2, 1/2.0) and (1/2, 1/2.1) positions in (110) martensite planes shift a/12[150], which may be explained a/6[110]+a/4[110], and ones at (0,1,1/2) and (1,0,1/2) positions shift a/12[150], i.e., a/6[110]=a/4[110], where a means the lattice parameter of martensite. Furthermore, before contraction and expansion, a a/6[110] shuffling of iron or substitutional atoms on alternate (110) martensite plane is necessary to meet the needs of stocking described by h-carbide structure. Alternatively, iron or substitutional atoms, the double circles indicate iron or substitutional atoms, which belong to two unit cells, and the solid circles indicate carbon atoms. An arrow shows the shuffling direction of atoms. It is suggested by TEM observation and crystallographic analysis of carbide nucleates heterogeneously along the carbon-rich bands, which develop during the spinodal decomposition of martensite.
It is well known that precipitation of fine h-carbide enhances strength and toughness of martensite matrix, and further increase wear resistance.
Alterations in Metal Structures:
An explanation of the effect of deep cooling on metallic structure requires a connection be drawn to the more standard elevated temperature treatment processes. When a metal (high carbon steel, for example) is heated, the increase in energy expands the molecules. A ferrite (iron) molecule, like everything else, is mostly empty space between tiny atoms. As the iron atoms separate, atoms of carbon present in the steel "fall" into the larger empty spaces, creating a condition known as interstitial solid solution. This hot, carbon enriched iron is known as austenite. Hardened steel is simply austenite, which has been rapid quenched to trap the carbon atoms in solution. This hardening process is the first step in any thermal treatment of steel. Because the grain structure of austenite is normally unstable at ambient temperatures, simply quenching results in steel which is brittle and of little value to industry. If the steel is partially quenched and held at a certain elevated temperature (dependent on actual carbon content) austenite will re-form into a much more stable structure known as martensite. After the steel has reached thermal equilibrium at the martensite start temperature (Ms), it is allowed to cool slowly to promote martensitic transformation.
It is at this point that cryogenic tempering becomes important, especially in the hypereutectoid steels (above 0.83% carbon content). Martensite structures do not form at a constant temperature; rather the austenite is converted to martensite as the steel cools to ambient temperature. The temperature range for martensite formation is determined by the particular carbon content of the material. Figure 1 is a graph of martensite formation temperatures as they relate to carbon content. The ranges are not exact; they are merely intended to show the concept of martensite growth with cooling. As the graph shows, the martensite growth completion line (Mf) drops below 0C at approximately 0.7% carbon content. As most steel producing plants are considerably warmer than this, it is easy to see that the higher carbon steels cannot undergo a complete austenite conversion without artificial refrigeration.
The Mf line is extrapolated below 0C, but it serves to point out the major reduction in temperature necessary to completely transform austenite in the higher carbon steels. Obviously, the cryogenic process is key to continuing the transformation of retained austenite into martensite in hypereutectoid steels. A study conducted by the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy, Romania showed that cryogenic tempering of 0.83% carbon steel reduced the percentage of retained austenite from 42.6% to 0.9% when compared to normal tempering (Frozen Gears). It is this completion of martensitic transformation which gives cryogenically treated steel good hardness characteristics while still maintaining reasonable ductility (fracture resistance).

Electron micrographs of cryogenically treated steel reveal another phenomenon, which is less easily understood. During the martensite transformation process (hot or cold), a certain amount of free carbon atoms will precipitate out of the interstitial solid solution. These atoms are grouped together by pressures exerted during martensite crystal growth. These tiny pockets of carbon are known collectively as carbides. Under the microscope, carbides appear as tiny lumps of coal wedged into the martensite grain boundaries. These carbides upset the uniform structure of the martensite crystals, and are a significant factor in the brittleness of hardened and tempered steel. Cryogenic treatment appears to have the effect of significantly reducing the size of these carbides. While roughly the same amount of free carbon is present, the cryogenic process seems to slow the development of these "lumps of coal", distributing the carbon atoms more evenly and allowing a tighter overall grain structure with less voids. One hypothesis is that the very low temperatures inhibit the formation of covalent atomic bonds in the free carbon, preventing the larger carbide structures from forming.
The Ideal Role of Cryogenic Tempering:
As previously discussed, the transformation of austenite into useful martensite is dependent on two factors, carbon content and temperature. The steel must first be heated to a temperature sufficient to allow carbon atoms to enter into solution. This temperature must then be maintained until enough time has passed for a complete austenitic reaction to take place. This is known as soak time, and is dependent on the mass of the part being treated. Next, the part must be partially quenched down to the martensite start temperature for the particular carbon content of the steel. The part is then held at this temperature until thermal equilibrium is reached (the entire thickness of the part is the same temperature). Under ideal circumstances, the part would immediately be placed into the cryogenic chamber and cooled to the relevant Mf temperature for carbon content and maintained at that temperature until thermal equilibrium was once again reached at Mf. It is at this point that complete martensite transformation will have occurred and the part may be allowed to return to ambient temperature at a rate, which will minimize internal stresses.
Cryogenic tempering of room temperature steels is effective at transforming retained austenite, however, the resulting crystalline structure is not as uniform as martensite, which has all formed at the same time, as in the above example. Integral cryogenic tempering is not cost effective for volume production parts, as the logistics of having a large cryo chamber in close proximity to a steel furnace would be interesting, to say the least. Interrupted tempering or tempering of room temperature steels are much more practical ways of obtaining a majority of the benefits of cryogenic treatment.
Cryogenic treatment of firearms is a proven reliable process, which relives stress in firearm barrels. Inherent internal stresses cause movement in the barrels as it heats from the repeated firing. Our ultra low temperatures and ultra slow temperatures change allows the molecules in the barrel to compress and then expand in uniform homogeneous manner and then realign in more coherent fashion, thus reducing internal stress and increasing barrel accuracy and life.
Riffles treated by CRYOGENIC PROCESS produced the enclosed range test targets. The best groups from these riffles while using match ammunition prior to CRYOGENIC TREATMENT. Then after many groups were fired while testing numerous brands. No other singular work or effort to achieve greater accuracy has yielded more positive results then the simple act of CRYOGENIC TREATMENT. Its fact!
The observed changes were:
1) Increased accuracy
2) Increased barrel life
3) Eliminate pattern shift
Stress in a steel barrel is uneven; the Stresses in steels are created by mechanical methods such as machining, boring and forming. Residual stresses are also created in castings or forgings as a result of differential cooling. Thermal stresses are created in steels after heat-treating through the quench hardening process. An ice cube when dropped into a cup of hot coffee illustrates this effect. The heating creates expansive stress on the exterior of the ice cube while the core is still frozen. The result is stress shear or cracking due to the differing rates of thermal "growth" caused by the coefficient of expansion. Dropping a rifle barrel into liquid nitrogen would have the same effect most barrels have residual stresses and distortions throughout their entire length. While shooting, heating and cooling occurs which will cause the barrel to warp unevenly and cause random shot placement. A barrel that has been treated by Cryogenics International will dissipate heat quickly and more evenly and allow the shooter to achieve the tightest groups possible. The primary reason for dramatic accuracy improvement is the elimination of residual stresses, which are inherent in the barrel from the manufacturing process. The barrel will become more uniform, free from stresses and tighter microstructure after the Cryogenics International deep cryogenic process.

The observed changes were:

1) Tighter Groups
2) Improved Durability
3) Stress Relief
4) Improved Accuracy
5) Reduced Wear
6) Extended Barrel Life
7) Quick Turnaround
8) Easier Cleaning
§  Increasing the durability of components in the vehicles is the main reason for using cryogenic processing. The great thing about cryogenic processing is that it allows an increase in durability without an increase in weight or major modifications to component design.
§  Thermal and mechanical stresses are relieved, reducing the possibility of uneven warping while firing your gun, improving its accuracy. The metals porosity is reduced, they’re by reducing friction, excessive heat and wear. The tighter surface structure also makes the barrel and complete gun much easier to clean. Cryogenic processing affects the entire mass of the part. It is not a coating. This means that parts can be machined after treatment without losing the benefit of the process.
§  Cryogenics has successfully been used to relieve the stress in castings and forged metals; even freezing cutting tools has resulted in increased wear characteristics.
§  Cryogenic will not turn a poorly made or designed instrument into a good one. But it can help improve resonance characteristics and make a good instrument just a little better.
The important observed advantages of cryogenic treatment are as follows:
§  Increase abrasive wears resistance.
§  Requires only one permanent treatment.
§  Creates a denser molecular structure. The result is a larger contact surface area that reduces friction, heat and wear.
§  Changes the item's entire structure, not just the surface. Subsequent refinishing operations or regrinds do not affect permanent improvements.
§  Eliminates thermal shock through a dry, computer-controlled process.
§  Transforms almost all-soft retained austenite to hard martensite in steel.
§  Forms micro fine carbide fillers to enhance large carbide structures.
§  Increases durability or wear life.
§  Decreases residual stresses in tool steels, induces dimensional stability.
§  Decreases brittleness.
§  Increases tensile strength, toughness and stability coupled with release of internal stresses.
§  Increases fatigue life.
§  Decreases in chipping and flaking.

FIELDS OF APPLICATION:                  
Cryogenics international's controlled deep cryogenic process has many proven and possible applications, such as:
§  Guns and gun barrels, firearms, bullets, dies, actions etc
§  Tim Hancock custom knives, some of the best in the world.
§  Engines, axles, gears, radiators, rotors, brake pads, spark plugs and wires.
§  Plow points, spades, blades, plowshares, roller chain, chain saw, cycles.
§  Aluminum baseballs bats, golf balls and clubs, nylon string, fishing line, fishing hooks etc.
§  Copper wire, plug strips, any conductors etc.
§  Casting and components, engines, landing gear, supports etc.
§  Stainless steel hygienist's tools, scissors, knives, saws, UHMW Polyethylene for implants etc.
§  Shredding screens, knives, shredders, grinders, pulverizes etc.
§  Brass horns, cymbals, strings etc.
§  Some examples of materials that are routinely cryogenically treated include:
All types of steel:
§  Titanium
§  Plastics
§  Copper
§  Aluminum
§  Brass
§  Various alloys
§  Glass
§  Complete assemblies' i.e. whole chain saws, engines, motors etc.
This has been an attempt to put forward an understanding of cryogenic processing for wear control. This is only an overview of the whole process. This has been condensed because of limitations. The cryogenic processing has great potential to solve many of the problems faced an industry due to wear and other detrimental process. Added to it the fact that it is environmentally very sound makes it the most promising one.
The study of microstructure changes induced by cryogenic processing is a fertile area for research, the complete story is yet not well known. For example the mechanisms responsible for cryogenically induced improvements are not yet completely understood. The observed benefits are however well established.
Cryogenic treatment increases wear resistance dramatically, especially at high sliding speed. The specimens after cryogenic treatment show a minimum of wear rate. Unlike cold treatment, cryogenic treatment promotes preferential precipitation of fine carbides. The formation mechanism of carbide is supposed to be as follows: iron or substitutional atoms expand and contract, and carbon atoms shift slightly due to lattice deformation as a result of cryogenic treatment.
The mechanism that cryogenic treatment contributes to wear resistance is through the precipitation of fine h-carbide, which enhances strength and toughness of martensite matrix, rather than the removal of the retained austenite.
1)     A textbook of material science and metallurgy by- O.P.Khanna.
2)     Introduction to physical metallurgy by- Avner
3)     Cryogenic system by-Rendall Barron
4)     Cryogenic International Friction, Wear and Lubrication a tribology Hand book

5)     www.google .com
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