Electricity theft is a problem all over the world, and utilities have been struggling to find ways to combat it. As electricity becomes costlier by the day, the issue of generation .transmission and transmission of electricity has assumed great enormity .In recent years; electric theft has become a major concern. Electrical theft is a substantial problem worldwide. The electrical theft costs electric utilities billions of rupees per year. In some countries the problem is far more severe, with a substantial proportion of electricity is not being billed. Electricity theft occurs in many ways. One of the ways is the tampering of meters & devices within the meter box. In India only 10% of power bills actually paid because of theft and technical losses, and the State Electricity Boards effectively bankrupt, the power sector is at a standstill. Solving the sector’s problem is key to India’s future growth and success. The engineers are often trying to obtain a reliable solution on this grave problem. Researches are done to develop new technologies which are not prone to tampering and would read the meter reading correctly.
            The MSEB is been using the ToD (Time of Day) meters which are often prone to tampering and requires frequent note down of meter reading . The efficiency of meter is not that much reasonable. Also the major problem is poor economy which is unable to implement new techniques which are little costlier. . Many of the energy audit reports indicate rampant theft of energy as the reason for unaccounted losses. These so-called commercial losses are attributed to slackness in billing and revenue realization, apart from metering deficiencies and errors in energy accounting. Several steps have been initiated by utilities for curbing the theft of electrical energy. There is a need to review the existing laws & practices related to for prosecution of offenders in such cases, legal implications and Potential loopholes, as well as the need to train inspecting officers in the associated techno-legal matters.    
            The following measures are a better solution to this problem and have greater advantages than the current measures adopted by SEB’s in India.

A] Automatic Meter Reading :
What is Automated Meter Reading (AMR) and how does it work?
Automated Meter Reading allows us to automatically read meters, using very short-range radio frequencies similar to a garage door opener. Once AMR is installed, a van will drive down your street and capture your monthly meter reading through a radio signal. It will no longer be necessary to enter your property to read your meter(s). Each AMR meter will have a unique identification code. The reading on your meter will be transmitted through radio frequencies to a piece of equipment in the van.
Benefits :
Ø  Actual meter readings every month, for every customer, including bi-monthly customers.
Ø  More complete consumption history for estimates on the rare occasions when we do use them.
Ø  No need to access your meter on a monthly basis.
Ø  When a reading is obtained, the accuracy rate is 100%.
AMR offers both utilities and their customer's key tangible benefits :
Benefits of AMR to utilities include :
Ø  Reduced meter reading costs
Ø  Ability to access difficult-to-read meters
Ø  Improved customer service
Ø  Reduced percentage of estimated bills
Ø  Improved meter reader safety
Ø  Implementation of real-time pricing
Ø  Reduced read-to-bill time
Ø  Distribution automation
Ø  Improved fraud detection
Reduced Meter Reading Costs :
Conventional meter reading is a labor-intensive process and can represent a considerable percentage of a utility's operating cost. In addition to the labor component, ancillary elements such as vehicle costs, insurance claims, uniforms, etc. are recurring costs that can be avoided by using a technology solution. Further, in many areas public utility commissions have placed limitations on the number of times that a utility can estimate a meter reading.
Ability to Access Difficult-to-read Meters :
In many cases, utility meters are located within the customer's premises. This is particularly true for water meters in areas where the temperatures may cause the meter to freeze. Accessing these meters often requires the meter reader to gain physical access to the meter to read it. With economic conditions today, the problem of gaining access to the home has grown as more and more people left the home for work. For example, the proportion of US households unoccupied during the day has risen from around 25% in 1960 to over 50% today. This has led to a large rise in estimated bills, re-reads, lost revenues, and undetected meter tampering or theft.
Improved Customer Service :
In a deregulated environment, customer satisfaction and retention are key components of a successful utility. AMR can help utilities improve customer service by providing timely and accurate bills, automating outage notification, reducing customer disruptions caused by manual reads and improving the process of resolving meter reading disputes. Additionally, there is heightened customer sensitivity about allowing strangers access into homes.
Improved Meter Reader Safety :
Whether it is a dog, a high crime area or a confined space, meter readers today can easily find themselves in unsafe environments. AMR helps to reduce the threat of dangerous situations by automating the meter data collection process.
Implementation of Real-time Pricing :
Variable rate tariffs based on the time of day can be used to encourage consumers to shift their consumption of valuable resources to off-peak hours, while also discouraging the usage during peak hours. This enables energy producers to reduce the maximum capacity of their plant and therefore achieve a better return on capital.
Reduced Read-to-bill Time :
AMR allows utilities to reduce their read-to-bill time, by tightly integrating the meter data capture and billing process. In many cases, improved meter data acquisition permits utilities to increase billing frequency or offer more billing options to their customers.
Distribution Automation :
AMR can allow utilities to provide better customer service by enabling a greater level of functionality over their distribution network, including: remote credits to pre-payment meters, remote connect/disconnect services, tamper/leak detection and outage notification.
Improved Fraud Detection :
AMR allows utilities to detect whether or not a meter has been tampered with or if wires have been cut at the meter. The system will flag the account with a code notifying the meter reader to investigate the situation.
Benefits of AMR to the Utilities' Customer :
Ø  Accurate billing statements and improved customer service through the reduction of estimated readings and billings
Ø  Improved meter reading accuracy through the reduction of errors from manual readings
Ø  Improved security because the meter readers no longer need to gain access to the property or households
Ø  Customers can move more easily between different rates creating greater choices
Ø  Improved information on energy consumption for tracking purposes and conservation
AMR Gaining Popularity :
One of the technologies that can play a key role in better control over electricity theft is automatic meter reading, better known as "AMR."  While AMR systems have been around for years, the industry is finally beginning to mature and electric cooperatives are increasingly incorporating AMR into their automation strategies. Why the renewed interest in AMR and why are so many countries electricity boards are implementing AMR projects?  There are several key factors that are driving the wide-scale deployment of AMR systems, including:
         i)            They are   becoming more comfortable with the technology.  Many early pilot projects have been successful and met the cooperative’s objectives expectations.
       ii)            Experience and studies have now shown that AMR provides even greater savings by significantly reducing meter-related service orders, allowing the cooperative to respond to outages quicker, and reducing the theft of electricity.
     iii)            AMR systems are now being integrated into outage management systems and voice response systems.  This allows   them to be more responsive to its members and gather additional data on outages so future outages can be minimized.
     iv)            Many AMR systems now can provide daily reads and also capture interval data on Commercial/Industrial (C/I) accounts.  This data can be invaluable in responding to high bill complaints, developing new and innovative rate options, and gathering data for load management and curtailment programs.
       v)            Initial deployments of AMR were normally targeted to hard-to-read accounts and high-turnover accounts such as apartment complexes.  Once they have realized the benefits that AMR offered, many have moved forward with full-scale deployments.
     vi)            Lower interest rates are reducing the financing costs for projects.

B] Remote Meter Reading :
With rapid increase of consumers of electricity due to the expansion of the distribution systems in developing countries, many utilities are looking for solutions that will improve overall operating efficiency and provide customers with better service and more choice. In the case of hard to read meters, a solution for utilities has been found by the use of Automatic Meter Reading system, which transmits data from meters over a transmission channel to a central monitoring device. Remotely reading meters has distinct advantages such as to protect employees from hazardous situation, to identify power theft, to avoid possibility of human errors, to provide flexible billing operations and provide archive information to help resolve billing disputes. In addition to these advantages, maintenance Engineer can use information to size transformers, identify power outages, to reduce line losses, detect line problems before they become serious, save on manpower and laborer etc.Several communication technologies have been investigated for best services of utilities. Some of them are power line carrier communication, satellite communication, and telephone and radio communications. In addition to these methods fiber optics and cellular options have also been introduced in the market.
Since the power distribution networks provide an essential and reliable electrical link from power substation to end users ranging from industrial plants to residential homes, distribution line carrier communication can be applied to data communication for remote meter reading systems.
The main objective in this project is to assess the feasibility of high frequency signal transmission from a substation to an end customer. The possibility of transmitting digital signal on distribution line carrier channels is to be tested by building a model of an existing distribution feeder. A range of high frequency signals are injected in one phase and the propagation responses at different location along the feeder are to be measured. Finally using line carrier equipment, data transmission is to be checked on the existing feeder.
Remote sensing can be defined as the technique of obtaining information about objects through the analysis of data collected by instruments that are not in physical contact with the objects of investigation.

C] RFID can Control Electricity Theft :
Electricity theft is a problem all over the world, and utilities have been struggling to find ways to combat it. They may have found a new weapon in the war against cheats: RFID.
Metering systems to secure residential electricity meters. The technology would allow utilities to determine from a remote location when a meter has been broken into.
The meter application represents a new market for RFID Smart & Secure seals, which have an embedded RFID tag with encrypted data. Up to now, the seals have been used mainly to secure physical assets .The key to make it possible to detect tampering remotely. New solid state meters, which are replacing the conventional meters with dials and wheels, have an automatic meter reading (AMR) module. These allow the utilities to get information from the meter from a central station using wireless technology.
The AMR modules can detect if someone tries to use magnets or other technology to rig the meter, but the utilities often have to figure out whether there has been a false tampering signal. Smart & Secure will enable them to get true physical tamper protection."

Introduction to RFID :
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is the use of radio frequencies or thereabouts to read data electronically on small portable devices, "tags", with few problems of orientation or obscuration. Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS), employs tags of similar appearance and are typically used to detect theft from libraries and shops. However, this is not FID because there is no data on the tag.
RFID has been in existence for fifty years but only one billion or so RFID tags have been sold. By contrast, six billion EAS tags are sold every year across the world. The difference is mainly caused by the tag price differential. EAS tags cost only a few cents and some are now available at 1.25 cents each in volume. RFID tags have only recently dropped to an average price of one dollar. The infrastructure needed to read RFID tags is also more expensive. However, it is now realized that satisfactory paybacks of 1 - 2 years are being obtained even with RFID tags costing one dollar or more and the substantial associated costs of infrastructure. IN addition, much larger order sizes and some redesign have led to RFID tags being delivered at 10 - 30 cents for a wide range of applications.
Another development has been the successful employment of RFID for applications where considerable social and other benefits are created. Often these cannot easily be expressed as a financial payback, airport security and error prevention in hospitals being examples.
RFID is best considered as an enabling technology rather than a product. Properly applied it can:
Ø  Save lives and costs.
Ø  Reduce illness and crime.
Ø  Provide new consumer benefits.
Ø  Offer opportunities for premium pricing.
This is only the beginning. This wide repertoire creates the need for a databank of case histories. It is difficult enough to find applications in one's own chosen sector such as manufacturing or transport. It is near impossible to cut it other ways, and access, for example, where long range tags have been used successfully, or what is happening in, say Germany, if that is one's interest. This evolving database addresses these needs for relevant case histories.

D] Other Methods to Control Electricity Theft :
Ø  RMU (Remote Meter Unit) : This small card can be inserted into both electronic and electromechanical electricity meters. The RMU records the consumption pulses coming from the meter, logs the information, and periodically sends the data to the gateway over the power lines, using power bus. The RMU also has a 1 Amp relay for remote disconnection, a sensor to detect tampering, and two outputs for communicating rate changes to the meter.
Ø  Gateway : An industrial PC that is generally installed in the Medium to Low voltage substation. The gateway reads the data from the RMUs over the low voltage power lines and stores it in a local database. Communication between the Gateway and the utility’s back-office network is done either via modem (telephone, GSM, or radio), or directly via Ethernet (TCP/IP).
Ø  Meter Gate : This is the client interface for the bi-directional communications between the utility’s databases, and the deployed Gateways in the substations. It available for both Windows and Linux platforms.
These systems help utilities reduce meter reading, invoicing, and customer service costs. The remote disconnect feature is especially useful for areas with high customer turnover, and the detailed consumption data will help detect and eliminate electricity theft and losses.
Ø  Smart Card Prepayment Metering System is a new billing methodology that combining a superior electronic customer account management system, state-of-the-art metering equipment and smart card technology, that provide a Power Utility a substantial saving both in manpower and money while providing new payment option for the customers. It reduces operational cost with paperless revenue collection system and can even replace any electromechanical meter in the market. In this system, the meter used Smart Card as the medium of communication with the customer, the utility and authorized Charging Station. The Smart Card Prepayment Metering system not only replaces the conventional meters and their associated billing system, but also the meter readers and revolutionalised the administration of the revenue collection system. For the conventional system, the bill is produced with the help of a meter reader. The customer pays the utility based on the value stated on the bill.  In Smart Card Prepayment Metering System, the customer has to buy the “credit” which is loaded onto a Smart Card, and use it to charge the prepayment meter. The credit that has been loaded onto the meter will be deducted according to tariff rate and electricity energy consumed. Basically, the philosophy behind this system ispay as you use”. The system eliminates the need of sending a meter reader to collect data at the customer premises. Instead as a customer inserts his charged Smart Card into the meter and the information such as total kWh consumption, previous 12-months kWh consumption, available credit and etc. is then transferred by the meter to the card. The downloaded data will then be transferred to the utility database once the customer recharges their card. The various available software that can be embedded into the meter, the Smart Card and the backend system together make the system very flexible and can cater to any utility requirement. An electronic prepaid kWh meter will act as a “bank”, as long as some credit is available inside the meter, electricity will be made available to the customer.  The level of credit inside the meter will be deducted according to the tariff as programmed for the respective customer. The Master Terminal together with the database at the Utility Office acts as the “brain” of the system where all “policy” data such as block tariff, time of use tariff and types of customer etc. are kept, updated and process.MIM Smart Card Prepayment Metering System provides total revenue collection solution to utilities and helps them to collect their revenue with the utmost efficiency.
Ø  Electronic  Meter :
The demand for greater precision and complexity of measurement has led to the development of various electronic meters which can easily perform multiple mathematical functions through integral circuits. Elimination of mechanical parts also helps to reduce physical wear and improve reliability. Current Sensors or transformers are often used to directly sense the current consumed. The greatest concern is the precision of these devices, especially the precision over a wide temperature range and current range.
Ø  Digital Meter :
A digital computerized meter will be put in each consumer’s house as earlier meter and every month meter reader will visit the consumer’s house and insert one digital card. The actual power consumed by the consumer will be automatically loaded on the card which later on will be downloaded in the computers kept at revenue section of the department. This will help the department to supply actual bill amount to the consumers. A new digital technology driven meter called CMRI and SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Accusation) .With the help of CMRI technology every consumer can be billed according to actual power consumed by him. And later will help the department to detect how much power is consumed in each station. Whereas, in SCADA technology a device will be put in each power station which will give the details of actual power consumed in the particular area. This will help the department to detect whether the department is receiving actual revenue of that particular area and also it will help in detecting whether department is utilizing the actual unit of power purchased. After successful implementation of these technologies we can reduce 20%of losses due to theft.


The problem of electricity is being severe day by day as the cost of electricity is increasing day by day by the losses occurring during generation transmission and due to theft. New technologies are needed to be implemented to have a better control over this problem. But it is observed that the energy theft is often occurring even we have better control systems. AMR’s and other such meters expressed here are emerged as new technology to have better control over tampering of meters but the theft occurring by hooking the transmission lines is rather more severe with no any technologies adopted to have control over it. Thus creating a new opportunity and great need to produce new techniques adopted at reasonable cost and better efficiency. Still, the AMR’s an above mentioned methods are also having some of draw backs. To overcome tampering remote meter reading can be implemented with electronic technologies such as that used in mobile communication systems giving reading with greater accuracies and better efficiency at lower installation and operating costs and would give readings at central stations hence saving effort of note down of readings frequently by the employee.                
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