“Organizational behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how people act within the organization. It is human tool for human benefit. It applies broadly to the behaviors of people in all types of organizations such as business, government, schools and service organizations”.
          It is directly concerned with understanding, prediction and control of human behavior in organiszation. Organization behavior means study of behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations. It is related with what people do in organizations .it applies the knowledge gained about individuals, groups and effect of structure on behavior in order to make organizations work more effectively


1) Individual differences: people have some common qualities (they are excited, they become happy) but each person in world is individually different. Each person is different from others in many ways like intelligence, personality, personal traits like height, weight etc. Due to this, management has to use different motivational techniques for different employees in the organization.
          Because of individual differences, organizational behavior begins with the individuals. Any individual can take responsibility and make decisions; a group by nature cannot do so. A group is powerless until individual act in-group.

2) Individual as a whole person: When an individual is appointed, his or her skill is hired along with likes and dislikes, prides etc. Individual’s family life cannot be separated from the factory life. Therefore management must consider individual as a whole for better development of individual.
3) Caused behavior: - There is always a reason behind a particular behavior of individual for e.g. When an individual abuses or shouts his sub-ordinate or supervisor in the organization, there may be reason behind like family problem, financial problem etc.
4) Human dignity: - An individual is motivated by monetary incentives and non-monetary incentives also. People of higher order are motivated by human dignity. Such people wish to be accepted by others. They like challenging work. They wish recognition for their abilities. Management should treat such people differently by considering their aspirations for recognition.
5) Organizations are social systems: - As peoples have psychological needs they have social roles and needs. Their behavior is influenced by group to which they are related and by their individual drive. Formal system and informal social system are present in organization. Individual is related with formal system as worker and as group member with informal social system. Both these systems are related with formal system as worker and as group member with informal social system. Both these systems are related to each other.
6) Mutuality of interest: - Mutuality of interest means organizations needs people and people need organization. Organisations are formed and maintained on the basis of some mutuality of interest among their participants. People use organization to satisfy their goals while organization achieves their goal with the help of people.


Ø It helps an individual to understand him and others better. This helps to improve interpersonal relations.
Ø Manager is one who get things done through efforts of others .He can achieve organizational goal if he is able to motivate people properly. Oganisational behavior helps the manager to understand individual and basis of their motivation.
Ø Organizational behavior helps to maintain Cordial or good relation between management and workers. Sometimes provocative behavior is observed in individuals with the help of organizational behavior management can find out the root cause of such behavior and solve the problems.
Ø Subject of organizational behavior is useful in field of marketing .In the channels of goods and services from organization to consumer, many individuals like middleman, sellers etc. are involved. Consumer choice behavior is influenced by external factors. The knowledge of consumer behavior helps organization in introducing a new product according to the needs of the consumers.
Ø Study of the organizational behavior is important for those want to make career in management. Manager can become effective only if he is able to understand individual.
Ø Due to new economic policy of India new technology, finicial resources are available for industries. But effective utillsation of these resources is not possible without efficient management of human resources. Organisational behavior enables a manager to motivate his subordinates towards high productivity and better results with the help of technology and financial resources.


In order to understand the complexity of people, writers on management have developed several models. Managers, whether they consciously know it or not, have in mind a model of individual and organizational behavior that is based on assumptions about people. These assumptions and their related theories influences managerial behavior.

McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y: -

The nature of people has been expressed in two sets of assumptions developed by Douglas McGregor and commonly knows as “Theory X” and “Theory Y”
Theory X: - The assumptions of theory X are:
a)    Average workers have inherent dislike for work. They try to avoid work.
b)    Because of inherent dislike of work, most people must be forced, controlled, directed and treated with the punishment so that they would work due to fear, which helps in achievement of goals.
c)     Average human prefer to be directed by managers. They try to avoid taking responsibility. They are less ambitious. They give preference for security.

Conclusion of Theory X: -

a)    Theory X suggest due to inherent dislike to work individuals must be directed, motivated, controlled to achieve organizational goal.
b)    To get the work done, use stick i.e. use way of fear.
c)     Authority in the organization should be clear and must flow from superior to subordinate.
d)    Assign jobs to individuals according to his ability because individual hesitate to accept responsibility.
Theory Y: -The assumptions of theory Y are:
a)    Individual has not inherently dislike for work .If work is meaningful and challenging, it can be great source of satisfaction for individual.
b)    External control and threat to punish are not only ways of getting work done. Individual can exercise self-control and self-direction in his work.
c)     The degree of commitment to the work is proportional to the reward related to the work .if good amount of reward is with work, individual shows good commitment to his work and vice versa.
d)    Under proper condition of trust and faith, individual accepts responsibility..
e)     The capacity to exercise high degree of imagination and creativity in solving organizational; problem is widely distributed in the population .it means that a mass of people have qualities like imagination, creativity. But they require proper environment to use these qualities.
f)      In today’s modern industrial world, intellectual capacity of an individual is partially used.

Conclusion of Theory Y: -

a)    Theory Y suggests that treat individual from human point of view. This satisfies his social and emotional feelings
b)    Management not only directs people but also actuate people for better work by motivation.
c)     Management must understand potentials of individual’s and try to encourage individual by removing obstacles.
d)    Theory Y emphasizes on decentralization and theory X on centralization.



Organization is composed of individuals. Each individual has/her motives, aspirations, perceptions and abilities. Each individual is influenced by several factors that are shown in the block diagram. A study of these factors is useful to understand the subject of organizational behavior.
1) Environmental Factors: - An Environmental factor includes economic, social and political factors which considerably influences the individual behavior.
i) Economic Factor: -Economic environment consist of several prominent factors like employment opportunities, wage rate, economic outlook and technology which influences individuals behavior.
a) Employment opportunities: -Level of employment has greater impact on individual behavior. When there are less job opportunities fear of loosing job increases the emphasis on job security .In such situation assurance of job, motivates individual. When job opportunities are available, job-hopping increases and loyalty to organization become irrelevant.
b) Wages: - food and shelter are provided to individual by Wages. For some, wages becomes status symbol. Money is complex variables, which affects individual’s behavior considerably. It is well known fact that many people are attracted towards certain organizations because of highly paid salaries. An inequality in wages considerably hampers individual’s performance.
c) Economic Outlook :-Individuals who experience frequent layoff are more to be motivated by factors that affect job security. Other individuals would consider job security to be relatively unimportant and would be motivated by other factors.
d) Technology: -Technological change has greater impact on job opportunities especially on lower level jobs. But increased automation, robotisation, computersation affect all levels of management. Therefore many times workers resist for automation or introduction of new technology.
ii) Cultural Environment: - The cultural environment is made up of institutions and other factors that affect society’s basic values, percrptions, work ethic, performance and behaviors
a) Work Ethic: Work ethic has relation with moral of individual. Strong job ethic results in hard work, commitment to work, good quality of work etc. Thus strong motivation results in strong work ethic and vice versa.
b) Achievement: - The level of achievement wished by individual in his/her life has impact on his behavior. Thus who wants high achievement takes risks, set realistic goals work hard. They accept challenging work. They like feedback for their performance. Such individuals are attracted towards challenging work. They like feedback for their performance. Such individuals are attracted towards organizations, which offer challenging jobs and have opportunities for achievements.
c) Value: - Value is related to individual judgment of what is right, good or desirable. Value influences individual’s perception, attitudes
iii) Political factors: - political climate affect individual’s behavior through several factors. The stability of government has a direct relation with job opportunities in quality and quantity. Unstable government unable to attract finance and industries. Entrepreneurs hesitate to start companies due to instability of government. Such situation reduces level of employment opportunities.
2) Personal factors
 Age, male or female, eduction, abilities, dependants are some of the personal factors which influences individual behavior.
i) Age: - Age of individual is related to performance, absenteeism, efficiency, productivity, enthusiasm, and satisfaction. As the age increases performance is likely to decline. The change in technology reduces level of satisfaction and enthusiasm in old age because of possibility of their skill of no use. While change in technology is taken as challenge by youngster with greater enthusiasm.
ii) Male/female: - There is no difference between male or female in problem solving capability, analytical skil, competitive drive, motivation, technical skill, leadership or learning ability. But in male dominated society in India, women as employees are less appreciated. It is found that there is more absenteeism in female employees than male employees.
iii) Education: - The level and type of education has impact on the individual’s behavior. Increased level of education increases individual’s expectations like satisfying job, challenging job, high salary etc.i.e “Good Life”. Disillusion occurs when individual’s expectations are not satisfied.
iv) Ability: - Ability is an individual’s capacity to perform the various tasks in a job. Individual’s ability is made up of intellectual skill and physical skills intellectual abilities are needed to perform mental activities. Mental abilities are important for managerial position. A physical ability includes individual stamina, physical capacity etc. The physical abilities are important for workers who work on machines and require physical strength.
v) Marital status: -Marital status has influence on absenteeism, turnover and stisfaction. Married employees have additional responsibility hence need for stable job and stable income.
3) Organizational System and Resources
i) Physical facilities: - The physical facilities such as adequate lighting, ventilation, painting on walls, proper space for each employee, equipment etc. has positive effect on the individual’s behavior .By providing adequate physical facilities manager can concentrate on important managerial work like planning, policy making, strategy formulation etc.
ii) Organization structure and design: - The way in which different groups and departments are arranged in the organization, the lines of communication, reporting, relationship have impact on individual behavior. A proper line of communication enables management to communicate information to all the sub ordinates.
iii) Leadership: -The system of leadership and supervisors is provided for direction, assistance, advice, controlling and coaching individuals. Different leadership style has different influences on individual behavior.
iv) Reward System: -Reward system adopted by organization for performance has positive or negative effect on individual’s behavior.
4) Psychological factors: -Psychological factors are an individual’s mental characteristic and attributes that can affect behavior. Prominent psychological factors are personality, perception, attitudes, values and learning. 


Understanding the human factor in the enterprise is important for the managerial function of leading .How a manager views human nature influences the selection of motivational and leadership approaches. A number of models presenting various conceptions of the nature of people have been propsed; however no single view is sufficient to understand the whole person. Therefore, an electric view of the nature of people is suggested.

Leading brides the gap between, on the one hand, logical and well-considered plans, carefully designed organization strictures, good programs of staffing, and efficient control techniques, and on the other hand, the need for people to understand, to be motivated and contribute all they capable of enterprise and department goals. There is no way that a manager can utilize the desires and goals of individuals to achieve enterprise objectives without knowing what these individuals want. Even then, managers must be able to design an environment that will take advantage of these of these individual drives.
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